Michael Collins (CMP)

Buzz, I would like to confirm that your TPI TIG is 127 02 02. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

We haven't settled on a final one yet. The last one was—stand by.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Just as soon as you know what TPI TIG is going to be, I would appreciate a call.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Last I got was 32 seconds earlier than mine which would make it 127 02 02.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Thank you. Are you going to be revising that one?

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

I think probably so. How late—How late can you take a revision?

Michael Collins (CMP)

Well, to stay on my time line, I should have it in the next couple of minutes.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. Latest estimate, 127 03 39.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger. In the event of the possibility that we may have had some water channeling in those hydroxide canisters, we recommend you stay in the cabin mode from now on. Over.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger. I'd better clarify that cabin mode a little bit there. What we mean is you go ahead and stay in the cabin mode. Helmets and gloves on are your option. And we really have no concern with the CO2. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Mike, you already loaded that time? We've got a final one here.

Michael Collins (CMP)

I've already loaded it. I don't think it'll make much difference.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. Only 9 seconds difference.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger, Mike. You can go ahead and arm your logic anytime you want to, and we'll give you a GO so that you can get your PYRO ARM at your convenience.

Michael Collins (CMP)

That's a good idea, babe. You standing by to watch the logic?

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Affirmative. Give us a Mark.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Columbia, Houston. We need the SEQ ARM circuit breakers closed.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Okay. Going in SEQ ARM BATT A, and BATT B.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Columbia, Houston. Logic looks good. You can arm your PYRO's at your convenience.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Eagle, Columbia's starting to maneuver to TPI attitude.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Eagle and Columbia, Houston. All your solutions look good to us. Out.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

And, Mike, if you want our target DELTA V, I'll give it to you.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

127 03 3082, plus 22.7, plus 1.7, minus 10.6. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

127 03 3082, plus 22.7, plus 1.7, minus 10.6. Thank you.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

I'm showing a good bit of out of plane velocity on my cross pointers, Mike.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Coming up on 1 minute to TIG, Neil. How's it looking?

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

That out of plane was in the AGS, not in the radar.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. Aft OMNI, low bit rate, an we'll see you at 127 plus 51.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on July 21, 1969, 8:33 p.m. UTC (55 years, 2 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Eagle and Columbia, Houston. Standing by.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Roger. We're stationkeeping.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay, Mike. I'll get—try to get in position here, then you got it.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

How does the roll attitude look?

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

I'll stop. Matter of fact, I can stop right here if you like that.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. Middle gimbal. And you might pass to Columbia, we don't have him yet.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Key moment Eagle meets up with Columbia in lunar orbit: I'm not going to do a thing, Mike. I'm just letting her hold in ATTITUDE HOLD.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. We're all yours. Roger.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Okay. Okay, I have thrusters B3 and C4 safetied.

Michael Collins (CMP)

I'm pumping up cabin pressure.

Michael Collins (CMP)

That was a funny one. You know, I didn't feel it shock, and I thought things were pretty steady. I went to RETRACT there, and that's when all hell broke loose. Were you guys—did it appear to you to be—that you were jerking around quite a bit during the retrack cycle?

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Yes. It seemed to happen at the time I put the plus X thrust to it, and apparently it wasn't centered, because somehow or other I accidentally got off in attitude and then the attitude hold system started firing.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Yes. I was sure busy there for a couple of seconds.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Are you hearing me all right? I got a horrible squeal.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Yes. I agree with that, but we hear you okay. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Apollo 11. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. I'm supposed to adjust the oxygen flow in this thing to six tenths of a pound per hour, but being as how this transducer is not working right, could you give me an updated number?

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Affirmative. You want to go ahead and adjust your O2 flow until it just goes off the peg, and then crank the direct O2 valve back down about 5 degrees. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Boy, you were really waiting for that one, weren't you? Okay, Ron. Thank you.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, I did that, and I believe we are flowing oxygen, but the gage is just pegged FULL SCALE LOW.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger. That's fine. That's what we expect.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Okay. I'm going to go ahead with the tunnel leak check.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Columbia, Houston. I have a new LM weight for you whenever you're ready to copy.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Not right now, Ron. Remind me of it later, would you please?

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Apollo 11. I let P47 run longer than I should. I may have deteriorated our state vector slightly.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger, Apollo 11. That's okay. We'll see later.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Apollo 11. Go ahead with your DAP up, please.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger. Your LM weight, 5785. For an R1 we'd like to have 61102, R2 01111. Use BD roll. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. I'm configured now at … for BD roll, and I have thrusters C4 and B3 turned off, and I copy register 1 61102 01111 and LM weight 5785. Thank you.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia has completed the leak check, and proceeding with opening the hatch dump valve.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger, Columbia. Understand you're doing the leak check. I missed anything after that.

Michael Collins (CMP)

I say the leak check is complete, and I'm proceeding with opening the hatch dump valve.