- Michael Collins (CMP)
Just as soon as you know what TPI TIG is going to be, I would appreciate a call.
- Michael Collins (CMP)
Well, to stay on my time line, I should have it in the next couple of minutes.
- Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Okay. Latest estimate, 127 03 39.
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close - Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)
Roger. In the event of the possibility that we may have had some water channeling in those hydroxide canisters, we recommend you stay in the cabin mode from now on. Over.
- Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)
Roger. I'd better clarify that cabin mode a little bit there. What we mean is you go ahead and stay in the cabin mode. Helmets and gloves on are your option. And we really have no concern with the CO2. Over.
- Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)
Roger, Mike. You can go ahead and arm your logic anytime you want to, and we'll give you a GO so that you can get your PYRO ARM at your convenience.
- Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)
Columbia, Houston. Logic looks good. You can arm your PYRO's at your convenience.
Spoken on July 21, 1969, 8:20 p.m. UTC (55 years, 5 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet