Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. We are not receiving your FM downlink yet. We are standing by.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. We are receiving your FM downlink now. We are standing by for TV modulations on the signal.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Okay. We are not receiving it yet, 11, although we have confirmed presence of your FM downlink carrier.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. You were just on the fringes of coverage from Goldstone. We have just had LOS at Goldstone, and we'd like to push on and get the PAD messages read up to you here shortly.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. I am ready with your TLI-plus-90-minute abort PAD.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. I am ready with your TLI-plus-90-minute abort PAD.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger. TLI plus 90, SPS G&N: 63481, minus 153, plus 132; GETI 004 10 25 38; NOUN 81, minus 04761, plus 00001, plus 53361; roll 180 193 000; HA is NA; plus 00203 53573 633 53349, sextant star 33 1578 122. The boresight star is not available. Latitude minus 0252, minus 02580 11887 34345 016 03 50. GDC align Vega and Deneb. Roll 071 291 341. No ullage, undocked. I have your P37 for TLI plus 5 hours. Over.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger. P37 format, TLI plus 5: 00744 6485, minus 165, 02506. Read back. Over.
Michael Collins (CMP)
Roger. TLI plus 90, SPS G&N: 63481, minus 153, plus 132, 004 10 25 38, minus 04761, plus 00001, plus 53361, 180 193 000, not applicable, plus 00203 53573 633 53349, 33 1578 122, not available, minus 0252, minus 02580 11887 34345 016 03 50. Vega and Deneb, 071 291 341. No ullage, undocked. P37, TLI plus 5: 00744 6485, minus 165 02506. Over.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. Readback correct. For your information, Goldstone reports receiving approximately 1 minute of FM downlink carrier. We were getting ready to request you confirm on the S-band AUX switches, the S-band AUX tape switch to OFF and the S-band AUX TV switch to TV. Over.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger. Let us do a little more detective work here and we'll see if we can come up with something.
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Houston, Apollo 11 is ready to go ahead with the—extend the docking probe, and ready to go with the RCS hot fire when you're ready to monitor. Over.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. We are seeing the pitch hot firing and it looks good.
Expand selection up Contract selection down Close -
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Roger. Be advised that we are unable to hear them.
Expand selection down Contract selection up -
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. If you will give us P00 in ACCEPT, we have a state vector update for you.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger. It will probably be another 10 or 15 seconds. We're going to go up through the Vanguard. When you are ready to copy, I have your TLI PAD.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger. TLI: 23514 179 071 001, burn time 547 104356 35575. Roll for SEP 357 107 041, 301 287 319. TLI 10-minute abort pitch, 223. Read back. Over.
Michael Collins (CMP)
Roger. TLI PAD: 23514 179 071 001 547 104356 35575 357 107 041 301 287 319. TLI 10-minute abort pitch, 223. Over.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. Roger. Would you read back DELTA-VC prime again? You were cut out by some noise.
Spoken on July 16, 1969, 3:14 p.m. UTC (55 years, 7 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet