Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. Mike, did you notice any transients at ignition on TEI? Over.
Michael Collins (CMP)
Yes. The transients were more noticeable than on the previous burns, Charlie. I just wrote it off on the fact we had a light command module, but there was considerable roll activity which dampened down after the first 20 seconds, I would guess, of the burn; but then there was also some pitch and yaw activity. I don't believe it was abnormal, and it seemed to be deadbanding ratherly crisply in roll plus or minus about 8 degrees either side of the center line; and after the first couple of—oh, after the first 20 seconds or so, the gimbals were quiet, and pitch and yaw were relatively quiet. Before that, there was some oscillation but mostly just in rates. Total attitude hung in there pretty well.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger. Thank you much. We were looking at the playback, and we saw some things that—right at start up. We'll be back with you later on that.
Deke Slayton
Roger, 11. This is the original CAP COM. Congratulations on an outstanding job. You guys have really put on a great show up there. I think it's about time you powered down and got a little rest, however. You've had a mighty long day here. Hope you're all going to get a good sleep on the way back. I look forward to seeing you when you get back here. Don't fraternize with any of those bugs enroute except for the Hornet.
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Okay. Thank you, boss. We'll—We're looking forward to a little rest and a restful trip back. And see you when we get there.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. We'd like you to turn off O2 tank number 1 heaters. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. For your information, the LGC in Eagle just went belly up at 7 hours. Over.
Michael Collins (CMP)
Charlie, we're going to rotate about pitch 270 degrees on the way home vice 1—or 090 on the way out. Right?
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Houston, crew status report. Radiation: CDR 11017, CMP 10019, LMP 09020. No medication.
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Okay. This is crew status report. Radiation: CDR 11017, CMP 10019, LMP 09020. No medication.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
And we didn't get any crew status report from you this morning. Wondered if you could give us an estimate of sleep last night. Over.
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Okay. We'll take a guess, Charlie, and try to give an equivalent amount. Oh, it's CDR 3, and LMP 4.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
That's affirmative, and we'd like you to disable quads Charlie and Delta. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, Houston. If it's convenient, we'd like to go through your onboard readout. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, Houston. A couple of questions for the Moon walkers, if you got a second. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger, Neil. We're seeing some temperature rises on the passive seismic experiment that are a little higher than normal and were wondering if you could verify the deployed position. We understand it's about 40 feet from the LM in the eleven o'clock position. Over.