Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. MIDPAC entry PAD: 359 153 001 194 46 03 267, plus 1102, minus 17203 067 36194 655 11875 36275 195 03 03 0028, DL and VL NA, 4 00 02 10 00 18 03 38 08 21 44 2932 380, Scorpii Delta—Scorpii Theta, up 314, right 34, up. No midcourse correction, horizon, TI minus 30, 194 33 03, pitch 297, Deneb and Vega, 078, 233, 340. Over.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. That's Roger. Copy. 11, it's also your computer. You can go back to BLOCK.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay, Houston. The crew status report is 8 1/2, 7, and 8.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. Roger, Neil. 8 1/2, 7, and 8 for your crew status.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. Your P52 looks good here on the ground, and we are now estimating that water dump will occur along about 171 plus 40; and we'd like for you to dump to 45 percent. This should let you arrive at Earth interface with just about a full load of waste water. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Understand 171 40, approximately, 40 percent.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. We'd like to advance the time on that water dump to about 171 plus 30 just after we reacquire on the next OMNI, and—as I mentioned, it'll be down to 45 percent—is the new quantity. Also, we're standing by for your CM RCS ejector temperature readout. Over.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. I'm not certain you copied my last transmission, as we were just in the process of switching OMNI's. We'd like to advance the time on that water dump until about 5 minutes from now. And we'll give you a precise mark on the time to start the dump, and we are standing by for a readout on your CM RCS ejector temperatures. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Okay, Owen. We're standing by for your mark, and stand by for the readout.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Apollo 11. Are you ready to copy ejector temperatures? I'll read them in volts.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

That's affirmative. Go ahead, Mike.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Okay. 2 4 is reading 4.7 volts, 2 5 is reading 4.8 volts, 1 2 is reading 4.8 volts, 1 4 is reading 4.8, 1 6 4.5, and 2 1 4.8. Over.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. Roger. Those—I got them all.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. We're ready for you to start your waste water dump at this time. Over.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. We show you —

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Apollo 11. We've dumped to 45 percent, and we're stopping now. Do you concur?

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. I can read up your forecast weather for the recovery any time you'd like to hear about it. Over.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. Present forecast shows acceptable conditions in your recovery area: 2000 foot scattered, high scattered, wind from 070 degrees, 13 knots, visibility 10 miles, and sea state about 4 feet. The forecast yesterday showed a tropical storm, Claudia, some 500 to 1000 miles east of Hawaii. The—the pictures from Earth satellites taken yesterday afternoon—afternoon showed Claudia dissipating, so this appears to be even less a factor than it was before. Your recovery area is now believed to be just a little ways north of the intertropical convergence zone, which you can probably see when you look out your windows there. Yesterday there was also a report of a tropical storm, Viola, further to the west. Its present location is some thousand miles east of the Phillipines and moving northwest. Tropical storm Viola has been intensifying, and should be transferred to the typhoon category within the next 12 hours or so; however, that will be far to your west. As a matter of fact, sunrise terminator has not yet reached Viola. When it does several hours from now, you can probably distinguish it from your viewpoint quite readily. As a matter of fact it should be of interest to perhaps take some pictures. Comment on it when you get a chance to see Viola in a few hours. So that's about the present weather state and situation for your recovery area. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

That sounds pretty good …

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. Over.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. We'd like to try operation with the high gain array here. If you would select reacquire and your S band antenna to HIGH GAIN, your positions are pitch plus 40 and yaw 270, and then monitor for acquisition. Over.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. We're just now ready to switch from OMNI Delta over to your high gain antenna. Can you confirm that you have gone to REACQ? Over.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

That looks real good, Mike. Looks like we picked up about 30 dB on the signal strength.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Yes. It came in quite quickly. However, I'm showing about 240 yaw and about zero on pitch, now.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

Roger. About 240 and 0.

No contact for 1:12:01
Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. Over.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

Roger. Just wanted to make sure you fellows hadn't gone back to sleep again. And I also have a little bit of late news here if you'd like to find out what's happened in the last 12—14 hours. Over.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

Okey doke. Hot off the press here: We find Juan Carlos was formally designated yesterday—Tuesday—to become General Franco's successor—as the Chief of State of Spain and eventual King. Juan Carlos will be sworn in today as his successor designate after taking an oath of loyalty to the law and the National Movement, Spain's only legal political organization. He will apparently be called the Prince of Spain.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

House Ways and Means Committee also has agreed yesterday to tax changes affecting oil companies, also banks and utilities, which could add as much as 2 billion dollars per year to the federal revenue. The committee also voted tentatively to change the accounting procedures for telephone, electric, gas, and oil pipeline companies and to reduce tax benefits of mutual savings and loan institutions. So, it looks as if tax reform may be on the way.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

Looking overseas, we find South Korea's first super highway, linking Seoul with the Port of Inchon, has been named the Apollo Highway to commemorate your trip. I think we mentioned last night that President Nixon has already started on his round the world trip, and today he is in San Francisco on his first stop which will take him to the U.S.S. Hornet, from which he'll watch the return of your spacecraft. He plans to visit seven nations including Rumania during this trip. He, as I think you also knew, had to miss the All Star baseball game yesterday, as it was rained out; but it is being played today.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

The West Coast residents in Seattle, Washington; Portland, Oregon; Vancouver, British Columbia; and San Francisco all plan to make their areas visible to the three of you by lighting their lights between 9 pm and midnight tonight, according to the Associated Press. We do have clear weather predicted there, so you may be able to see Christmas lights, porch lights, store lights, and whatever may be turned on.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

A little closer to home here, back in Memphis, Tennessee, a young lady who is presently tipping the scales at 8 pounds, 2 ounces, was named “Module” by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Lee McGhee. “It wasn't my idea.” said Mrs. McGhee, “It was my husband's.” She said she had balked at the name Lunar Module McGhee, because it didn't sound too good, but apparently they have compromised on just Module. Over.

Unidentified crew member

(Laughter) …

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on July 23, 1969, 7:07 p.m. UTC (55 years, 2 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

Roger. Hear a few chuckles coming from that direction. And we do have a late report on the sports here also. The All Star game currently being played. The present score at the end of the fourth inning has the National League leading the American League by 9 to 3. So the hitters are having a good day, you can tell.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

And rain clouds are over the MSC area at the moment. It began raining here just about 10 minutes ago, and last report, we were having a pretty heavy deluge. So, that's it from the news front for the afternoon here, Apollo 11. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Thank you very much, Owen. I think my yard could use some water.

Owen Garriott (CAPCOM)

That's very true. I've forgotten exactly how many days it did go, Buzz, but something like 30 days without rain; and we can appreciate the rain we're getting right now.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

That was Neil. This is Buzz, here. I wish we could find out when the last time my lawn was cut. Over.