- Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger. We got you coming home. It's well stocked.
Expand selection up Contract selection down Close - Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Okay, Burn status: DELTA-TIG was zero, burn time was 2 plus 30. PAD angles: DELTA VGX after trim was 0.1, VGY 0.9, VGZ 0.1. DELTA-VC minus 17.9, fuel 10.6, OX 10.4, unbalance minus 50.
Expand selection down Contract selection up - Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
And Apollo 11, Houston. All your systems look real good to us. We'll keep you posted.
- Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Hey, Charlie boy, looking good here. That was a beautiful burn. They don't come any finer.
- Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, Houston. I wondered if you've compared your state vector accuracy with the one in the LM flights? Over.
- Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
11, Houston. I was looking at your bank Bravo nitrogen tank. It didn't leak a bit—correction—didn't leak a bit this time. Over.
- Michael Collins (CMP)
Chamber pressure was hanging in there around 100. The latter part, of the burn it started oscillating a little bit and got down a little bit below 100.
- Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, Houston. Would you give us P00 in ACCEPT? We've got a REFSMMAT for you. Over.
- Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. We've got the load in. You can go back to BLOCK. Over.
- Michael Collins (CMP)
Your command module film seems to be working out pretty well, Charlie, the amount we carried. Looks like we carried just about what we needed.
- Michael Collins (CMP)
We have one 16 millimeter roll on the ASA 1000 color interior film. We were thinking of shooting that during the entry, out window number 4 on a bracket, and you might get the camera guide sometime in the next couple of days and give us all the good settings for that.
- Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. I wondered if during the TEI burn you utilized the oxidizer flow valve on the PUGS. Over.
- Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Yes, we did. Based on your very excellent briefing I was expecting the thing to continue desiring increase for the whole time, so we started out with it in INCREASE. I saw that we pretty quickly crossed the line and started falling about 6 or 7 percent behind, so I was still expecting it to move up, and then I went down to FULL DECREASE and brought it back down to a difference of 2 percent. Over.
- Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, Houston. You can go to PTC attitude and torque at your—and do the P52 and torque at your convenience. Over.
- Michael Collins (CMP)
Hey, we got to take some more pictures, Charlie. Is there any constraint, normally, in staying here for awhile?
- Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, Houston. FIDO's are looking at the data. It's too early to tell yet exactly. It's looking real good so far. We'll have you some answers shortly on trajectory. Over.
- Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, Houston. We've taken your onboard vector and propagated it forward, and it's looking real good. We only got about 24 minutes of tracking now. Really too early to tell on the radar. Over.
Spoken on July 22, 1969, 5:07 a.m. UTC (55 years, 6 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet