Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

That's it. Got a good lockon, Houston.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Your really think its apogee is 125 21, huh? 25 … That circuit breaker is in.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Engine arm circuit breaker.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. There's a mark. Buy that?

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. If you have time, pitch 162, yaw minus 16.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

You load the REFSMMAT? Okay.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Eagle, Columbia. Your Y dot is minus 1.0. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Eagle, do you read Columbia? Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Eagle, this is Columbia. Over.

Expand selection up Expand selection down Close

Spoken on July 21, 1969, 6:31 p.m. UTC (55 years, 2 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia. Over.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger, Columbia. Loud and clear now. This is Houston.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. Would you tell Eagle his Y dot is minus 1.0. Over.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger. Eagle, Columbia says your Y dot is minus 1.0. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Roger, Houston. We got that. Thank you.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger. And you can go high bit rate now. Eagle can.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Eagle, Columbia. How do you read?

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

AGS agrees very closely, and pointing …

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia is unable to read Eagle on either antenna or on VHF duplex Bravo. You got any suggestions?

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger. Columbia, we understand. You are unable to read Eagle. Stand by.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Houston, tell Columbia that we read him about strength 2.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. Wide deadband on.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia. Also my VHF ranging is not working now, and I'd like to know whether you'd like me to continue making sextant marks or do nothing. I'm supposed to be doing VHF marks only, and it's for the next 6 or 7 minutes.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Columbia, Houston. Roger. We copy. And, Eagle, looks like the best antenna would be forward for the LM. And, break. Eagle, we missed your loading of the TPI TIG and P32. Could you confirm you've done that?

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Columbia, Houston. Recommend you take sextant marks and do not reinitialize. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger, Houston. Columbia's got the VHF ranging back now. I'll stick with the nominal. Thank you.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Columbia reading you loud and clear now, Eagle.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Roger. Mike, you can go ahead and get as many VHF and sextant marks as you can here in this period of time.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. I've just got time for maybe two sextant marks, then get on with the final count.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Eagle and Columbia, about 1 minute till LOS there on Columbia. It looks like we have about 51.5 for CSI, and we tend to confirm your Y dot. And, break. For Eagle, verify VHF Bravo transmitter is off.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. VHF Bravo is off.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. Recommend aft OMNI and are you GO for CSI, so we can let Columbia know. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. We're GO for CSI.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Columbia, Houston. Did you copy? Eagle is GO for CSI.

Michael Collins (CMP)

No, I did not copy. I'm reading them only intermittently, but thank you.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. We'll see you coming around the other side. Your AOS time—is 1 minute ahead of the flight plan.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Columbia, Houston. Heard you talked to Eagle? I assume you have COMM with Eagle now?

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia in OMNI D Delta. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia. Over.

Ronald Evans (CAPCOM)

Columbia, Houston. You're very weak. Say again.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. Houston, Columbia. CSI nominal; no plane change. Everything's going beautifully, and the LM seems to be …your laser…