Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

That's what it is. Yes. *** Why don't you bend down and let me stow that. See if we ***.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Mine is back to EMU. Already done that pretty well.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Columbia, this is Houston. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia. Go ahead.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. Were you successful in spotting the LM on that pass? Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

That's negative. I checked both locations, and no joy.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Okay. If you'd like to look again next pass, we have a different set of coordinates based on the onboard P57 solution of the LM. These are Echo 0.3 and 4.8. I say again Echo 0.3, 4.8, same chart. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. I'll look there. And, also, how about putting that in your machine and coming out with some coordinates: latitude and longitude over 2, and altitude for P22, so it can help me as best it can.

Michael Collins (CMP)

That P22 is still pointing in the wrong way.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Columbia, this is Houston. Latitude plus 0.523, longitude divided by 2, 11.710. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. Understand plus 00523 and plus 11710. Thank you.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Columbia, this is Houston. We're requesting high gain antenna, pitch, yaw,—pitch 0, yaw 200. That is, pitch 0, yaw 200. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

*** cooling unit circuit ***

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Houston, this is Neil. How do you read?

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Neil, this is Houston. Loud and clear.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. That's a little bit better now. There we go.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Roger. Read you and clear.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

You're not too loud and clear, but I think it's the same problem. Houston, how do you read Buzz?

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Buzz, this is Houston. Loud and clear. You're really coming in beautifully. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. Cabin REPRESS closed.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Now. Now for the gymnastics.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Now comes the gymnastics.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Oh, I think it'll be a lot easier.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay, I want to go to DUMP and go down to 3.5 and back to AUTO.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay, Going dump and it's down to 4.2, 4.1, —

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

That's 3.5. Are you in AUTO? Verify cabin pressure at 3.5 and LM suit circuit pressure between 3.6 and 4.3.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

It is. Suit circuit's at about 43.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. Verify the PGA pressure is above 45, minus 46.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Neil, this is Houston. Will you give us hack when you start —

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

— your chronometer. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Give it to them later.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. Okay, let's go to dump.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Houston, I'll set my watch at 56. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia is back on the high gain.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger, Columbia. Loud and clear. And we copied you Mark there, Buzz.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. I've got my water warning.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. Cabin pressure going towards zero. Verify LM suit circuit 36 to 43. That's verified. FIPGA pressure above 4.5. Okay. 4.7, coming down. Ready to open the hatch when we get to zero.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

You want to bring down one of your visors now or leave them up? I'll read *** okay.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Four tenths of a pound in the cabin.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Sure takes a long time to get all the way down, doesn't it?

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Let me see if it will open now.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Open my RCU there, would you, Buzz?

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

That'll be good enough.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Get a steady tone in the background?

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

I have a—static. A little bit of static.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on July 21, 1969, 2:28 a.m. UTC (55 years, 2 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

I've got a little bit of a steady tone.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

I don't guess I hear that.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Neil, this is Houston. What's your status on hatch opening? Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Everything is GO here. We're just waiting for the cabin pressure to bleed so—to blow enough pressure to open the hatch. It's about 0.1 on our gage now.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Sure hate to tug on that thing. Alternative would be to open *** too.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Neil, this is Houston. Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. We're showing a relatively static pressure on your cabin. Do you think you can open the hatch at this pressure of about 1.2 psi?

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

The hatch is coming open.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay, Hold it from going closed and I'll get the valve to —

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

No. I'd better get up first.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. The valves in AUTO.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Might want to fill it up to FORWARD.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Your window cleared yet? Your water window cleared yet?

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Mine hasn't cleared yet.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Columbia, this is Houston. Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Columbia, this is Houston. We'd like you to cycle the fans in CRYO hydrogen tank number 1, and LOS time this orbit is 111 19 31.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Correction—Make that for the next orbit. You already have the AOS/LOS for this orbit.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger on time, and you want to cycle the fan in CRYO hydrogen tank 1.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Have you got your water valve on there?

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Columbia, this is Houston. We show you nearing high gain antenna scan limits. When you lose lock on us, we request OMNI Delta. OMNI Delta when you lose lock. Over.