Neil Armstrong (CDR)
I cycled the circuit breaker and got all nines. And we'll not now reset from all nines.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Tranquility, Houston. We'll research this problem and be back with you momentarily on the mission event time—correction, the mission timer.
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
I'd say the color of the—The local surface is very comparable to that we observed from orbit at this Sun angle, about 10 degrees Sun angle, or that nature. It's pretty much without color. It's gray, and it's a very white, chalky gray, as you look into the zero phase line; and it's considerably darker gray, more like a ash—ashen gray as you look out 90 degrees to the Sun. The—Some of the surface rocks in close here that have been fractured or disturbed by the rocket engine plume are coated with this light gray on the outside; but where they've been broken, they display a dark—very dark gray interior; and it looks like it could be country basalt.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Tranquility, Houston. Please vent fuel and OX again. Over. It's building back up.
Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Houston, Tranquility standing by for GO on a AGS to PGNS align and a lunar align. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Tranquility, Houston. You are GO for the AGS to PGNS align and a lunar align. Over.
Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close -
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
The fuel temperature is reading 64 in the descent, and the oxidizer—that's descent 2—and the oxidizer is off scale low. Descent 1 is showing 61 in the fuel and 65 in the oxidizer.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger. Stand by. Tranquility, Houston. Please take the fuel vent switch and hold it open. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Tranquility, Houston. If you haven't done so, you can release the fuel vent switch now. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Tranquility, Houston. We have indication that we've frozen up the descent fuel helium heat exchanger, and there's some fuel trapped in the line between there and the valves; and the pressure we're looking at is increasing there. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Tranquility Base, Houston. If you have not done so, please close both fuel and OX vents now. Over.
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
From the surface, we could not see any stars out the window; but out my overhead hatch, I'm looking at the Earth. It's big and bright and beautiful. Buzz is going to give a try at seeing some stars through the optics.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Columbia, Houston. Two minutes to LOS. You're looking great going over the hill. Over.
Michael Collins (CMP)
Okay. Thank you. Glad to hear the system's looking good. You have a suggested attitude for me? This one here seems all right.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Tranquility Base, Houston. If you want me to, I can give you a hack on the mission time, every 30 minutes. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Tranquility, Houston. I'm counting down to T3 time. If you'd like to give me a hack, we can set up an event timer. Over.
Spoken on July 20, 1969, 8:47 p.m. UTC (55 years, 7 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet