Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger, Mike. Coming at you with the 130, P1 is 98 37 35, P2 98 42 44, 4 miles north. Over.
Michael Collins (CMP)
Okay. P1 98 37 35, P2 98 42 44, 4 miles north of track; and go ahead with your DAP load.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger. CSM weight 36651, LM weight 33627, pitch trim minus 0.72, yaw trim plus 0.51. Over.
Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Negative. I was asking you if you were satisfied with it. As far as I can tell, it's satisfactory. And also the primary EVAP flow is actuated to number 1 at 96 05. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger. Copy on the primary EVAP. We've got the low bit rate, Buzz. We couldn't see that LGC self test. Over.
Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Houston, Eagle is going to secondary transmitter/receiver and secondary power amplifier, and I'll check with you in 60 seconds. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Columbia, Houston. We are through with the computer. You can go back to BLOCK. Over.
Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Houston, Eagle. On secondary transmitter/receiver and power amplifier, how do you read? Over. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Over.
Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Houston, Eagle. Back on PRIMARY, and I'm ready to proceed with the steerable antenna activation.
Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Houston, Eagle. Got a real nice lock on—lockon on the steerable antenna, and you should be receiving BIOMED right and PCM high. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger, Eagle. We got you five by. It's really beautiful. We've got the high bit rate and the BIOMED. Out.
Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
And there's the secondary glycol pump.
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close -
Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
And I'm on secondary, or number 2 pump right now, and I'll hold here for a couple of seconds and then switch back to number 1.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger, Columbia. We noticed your DAP configuration. We'd like you to turn off B3 and C4, Mike, and for register 2 in the DAP, we'd like all ones. Over.
Michael Collins (CMP)
B3 and C4 are both off on panel 8 and I understand you want—Say again what you want on register 2.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Columbia, Houston. Did you hit the COMMAND RESET around—after LOS on the last pass? Over.
Michael Collins (CMP)
That's affirmative. When we were having difficulty getting you, Charlie, I pushed the COMMAND RESET to make sure I had control of high gain.
Spoken on July 20, 1969, 2:11 p.m. UTC (55 years, 7 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet