Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. We're reading you five by. You can go to high bit rate now. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. Going to high bit rate now.

Expand selection up Expand selection down Close

Spoken on July 20, 1969, 12:46 a.m. UTC (55 years, 5 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, this is Houston. Do you read? Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Houston, this is Eagle. Roger. Read you loud and clear. How me? Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. Reading you five by also, Buzz, and we got the high bit rate. It's looking beautiful through Goldstone. Giving you a count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Please give us a count. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger, Houston. Eagle with a count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. Stand by. We're reading you five by. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. I'm ready to go S band voice. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Stand by, Eagle. Stand by on step 4.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Columbia, this is Houston. Would you please give us P00 in ACCEPT. We've got a load for you. Break. Eagle, we're ready to go to step 4. Please select S band voice to VOICE. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Hello, Eagle. This is Houston. How do you read—normal voice? Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Eagle—Houston, this is Eagle. Read you loud and clear on S band, normal voice. How me? Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. You're beautiful in this mode, Buzz. We're reading you five by. Coming with a short count and we'd like one back from you. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Houston out.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. Houston, Eagle. You're gorgeous also. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Eagle, over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger, Eagle. This is better than the downvoice backup. Stand by 1

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. Everybody's happy as a clam with this mode. We'd like to stay here for a little bit. Telemetry looks great, and the; voice is great. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. Understand. I'm checking out camera number 4 now.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. Say again what you're checking out? Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger, Houston. Eagle has checked out both 70 millimeter cameras and both 16 millimeter cameras, and all work fine. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. We've looked over your systems on the high bit rate. Everything looks super; we're ready to go. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. Stand by. You want to go back to low bit rate now?

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. We look good through the 210 on this mode. We're going to shift data select to an 85 foot dish to see what we've got, and then we'll be back to you on the 210. If you'll stand by a couple of minutes in this mode, we'll be back with you. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. Eagle standing by.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. How do you read? Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Houston, Eagle. Read you loud and clear. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. We're reading you five by. We've got the voice good through the 85; the telemetry is in and out through the 85. Stand by. We'll be back with you through the 210. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. You can go step 5 now. We'd like low bit rate. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Houston, Eagle. You have low bit rate.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. Could you give me a short count—this mode? Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Houston, this is Eagle with a short count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Eagle. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger, Eagle. You're five by. This S band voice is really beautiful. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

And, Eagle, Houston. We'll be standing by in this mode for a minute or so. We'll be back with you if you'll just stand by. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, this is Houston coming through the 210. How do you read? Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. Read you loud and clear.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, this is Houston. We're happy with all our data in all modes. You can power down the COMM now. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. I understand. Eagle will power down the COMM, and we are just approaching 27 volts now. It looks like we won't have to bother with the high taps.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

We're powering down. Out.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Columbia, this is Houston. We got a TEI 11 PAD for you and an update on the water dump. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Stand by one, Houston. Are you through with the DSKY?

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

That's affirmative. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia. Ready to copy TEI 11. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger, Columbia. Here we come with the TEI 11. SPS G&N: 37200, minus 060, plus 047. NOUN 33, 098 05 2422, plus 41448, plus 03719, minus 02422. Roll is NA, pitch 020, the rest of the PAD is NA. Set stars are NA. The ullage is two quads—correction, two jets for 16 seconds; use Bravo and Delta. In the comments, the undocked present CSM—correction, this is for—TEI 11 is undocked. Present onboard weight of the CSM is 37200 pounds, about 50 Alfa on your DAP. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

All right. I read back: TEI 11, SPS G&N: 37200, minus 060, plus 047, plus 098, 05 2422, plus 41448, plus 03719, minus 02422; NA, 020; the rest of the PAD NA. Ullage, two jets for 16 seconds, Quads B and D. Undocked present CSM weight is okay in the DAP.