Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. We just wanted to make sure that we were ready when you were ready. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. And to get the sextant star in LOI 2, that's roll zero. Is that affirmative?

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

That's affirmative. Roll zero.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. Five minutes until LOS. And with respect to your request for the nitrogen bottle pressures preburn, just before the burn, we were showing 2270 pounds per square inch on bottle Alfa and 2350 on bottle Bravo. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Apollo 11. Roger. Thank you.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, this is Houston. Two minutes to LOS. Your AOS on the other side is 80 33 21, and the friendly White Team will see you when you come out from behind the Moon.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Make that your friendly “Greens”. Your friendly White Team CAP COMM will see you when you come out from behind the Moon. I think it's basically the Maroon Team here, and we “Greenies” are leaving.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Okay. I don't blame you, Hank.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. I'd rather be up there.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. We're standing by. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

VGY minus 0.0, VGZ minus 0.1, DELTA-VC minus 5.2, fuel 362, OX 364, unbalance plus 50, and our postburn now 94's, 66.1 by 54.4. Go ahead.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. We copy, Neil. Would you say again the DELTA-VZ? We missed that. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Roger. That was minus 0.1.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. Copy the burn report. Sounds good.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

And all looked good up here.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. We missed your DELTA-TIG and also your DELTA burn time. Over.

Expand selection up Contract selection down Close
Neil Armstrong (CDR)

DELTA-TIG was zero and the burn time was 17 seconds.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. We'll be satisfied if you pump up the cabin to 5.4. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. We're showing about 5.2 right now.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

And, Charlie, the LM/CM DELTA-P is just over 1 pound right now.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. If you read, please attempt to acquire on the high gain. We're having trouble locking up on the TM and we have no voice. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Hello, Apollo 11, Apollo 11.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. We're reading you five by. Go ahead. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Roger. We have you on high gain now.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. We lost the TM and the voice for about 5 minutes here. We attempted a handover and fouled it up in some manner, but we got you back now. Thank you much.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. We're pressurizing the LM at this time.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. We have a P22 AUTO optics update for you if you're ready to copy. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger, Mike. It's landmark Alfa 1: T1, 82 37 35; T2, 82 42 50. We're 7 miles north. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Copy. P22: T1, time 82 37 35; T2, 82 42 50. And the target is 7 miles north. Thank you.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

I get the distinct impression, Charlie, that mare there laps up over the edge of the mountains at the shorelines.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Houston. On your comment about the mare lapping up to the terrain—mountainous terrain, is that an impression like a lava flow coming in around a prominence, Neil, or is it more -looks like it's sloping up at that point? Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

It isn't true everywhere, but there's certainly places where there seems to be a slope downward towards the shoreline on the mare. In other words, from the mare down to the shoreline is a downward slope indicating that it might be a lava flow.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Crossing Duke Island and Maskelyne W.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

We just crossed Duke Island and Maskelyne W.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. We're wondering if you've started into the LM yet. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

We have the CSM hatch out, the drogue and probe removed and stowed, and we're just about ready to open the LM hatch now.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. Thank you much, Neil. We'll be standing by.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay, Charlie. We're in the LM. The docking index mark is the same.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Charlie, apparently there just doesn't seem to be any slow way to get that REPRESS to AUTO without making a big bang.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. Say again. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. There just doesn't seem to be any slow way to get the REPRESS closed to AUTO and avoid a big bang. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

We copy, Buzz. Thank you much. Out.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

We concur with that, Buzz.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. We'll have LOS 81 45, next AOS—Stand by.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Apollo 11. I am going to start a maneuver to P22 attitude at this time.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

11. Roger. We copy. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Okay. We're noticing some water inside the command module for the first time. There's a little puddle of it on the aft bulkhead sort of like 101 had.

Michael Collins (CMP)

I'd like to know how EECOMM wants to get rid of it. There are a number of different ways and what does he think is the best one?

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

We'll be with you in a moment, Mike. Stand by.

Michael Collins (CMP)

No big rush. It will wait until the next REV or two.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. We've played back the LOI 2 burn. It looks really good to us. The systems were all good. We got an orbit on the limited amount of tracking at 65.4 by a 53.9. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. We're standing by. Out.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Okay, Houston. We'll be done with P22 in just a couple of minutes.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. We copy all that. You're looking good.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. You copy that NOUN 49 on your downlink? If you've had enough time, I'll proceed.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

We got it. Go ahead, Mike.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. We see a NOUN 89. You can do the VERB 34 now. Over. Beat me to it.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Yes. I've done it, Charlie.

Michael Collins (CMP)

All that procedure for P22 seemed to work very well. The only thing that was a little odd, is that there was some DAP thruster activity. I had pitch in ACCEL COMMAND, and roll and yaw in RATE COMMAND, and somehow, roll and yaw got excited and the DAP went into a flurry of thruster firing. We've noticed the same thing in the CMS, and just written it off as a CMS peculiarity.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. We saw that activity, Mike. We'll see if we can track it down and let you know. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. You can proceed to sleep attitude now. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

That's in work, Houston.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, we're holding inertial a little while to study the approach to the landing zone.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Houston, this is Apollo … in the Eagle—Apollo 11 in the Eagle. I've got … for our landing area.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. You are breaking up badly. Say again. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. I can see the entire landing area from the position I'm in looking out the left window in the LM.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger, Buzz. Understand you can see the entire landing area looking out the LM windows. Over.

Unidentified crew member

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. Say again. Over.

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Spoken on July 19, 1969, 10:09 p.m. UTC (55 years, 3 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. We got a lot of noise on the downlink. Would you please try your high gain in wide beamwidth, and the angles are 180 the yaw and pitch zero. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Apollo 11. How do you read us on the high gain? Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger, Mike. You're a lot better now. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Okay. You want a wide beam for some reason?

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

That's affirmative. We got you in the shadows, though. You are looking right down along the engine bell towards the Earth so we need you in wide beam. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Okay. Fine. We're starting our maneuvers to sleep attitude. Roll 82, pitch 229, yaw zero.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. The angles you got in the flight plan will he good when you get there.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. We are on page activation 12 and 13, step 4, and verify descent talkbacks gray, and they're barberpole.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, Houston. We would like you to take the low voltage taps OFF; RESET, then ON. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Stand by. We got it. We just had one circuit breaker out of position.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

… should have warmed up by now.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Oh, he's transmitting on B.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Hey, Mike, you transmitting on B?

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Houston, Apollo 11—Apollo 11/Eagle. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger, Eagle. This is Houston. We read you. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. I read you about four by four. Could you give me a short count, please?

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger, Eagle. Coming in with the short count—1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Houston out. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. Are you copying my low bit rate? Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. We got some beautiful data here, Eagle. We're—All those guys are looking at it—systems guys. We'll have some word for you in a minute how everything looks.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. I'm all ready to switch to high bit rate if that's okay with you.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Would you please stand by, Eagle. We want to get to the proper sleep attitude before we proceed on with the COMM check. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Houston, Eagle. We'll go ahead with the camera checkout. I'm still on low taps, and I assume there's no problem doing that. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

That's affirmative. No problem on that, Eagle. You can go ahead and power up the sequence camera. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Should have done that before.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, be advised—sounds like a hot mike. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. If you're reading me now, I am in hot mike because I'm in ICS push to talk, and DOWNVOICE BACKUP. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. We just wanted to remind you. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Columbia, this is Houston. Are you maneuvering to sleep attitude? Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, this is Houston. We have lost all the voice and data with Columbia. Would you see if he is maneuvering to sleep attitude? Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Hey, Mike. You maneuvering to sleep attitude?

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

I don't believe they can hear you, Mike. Are you maneuvering now to sleep attitude?

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Houston, Eagle. The Columbia has maneuvered to sleep attitude. He's got the high gain antennas—antenna angles set in, and he should be communicating with you. Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Roger. We don't have him. Stand by.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. Would you please have Columbia put in COMMAND RESET? Over.

Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)

Eagle, Houston. Since we're in sleep attitude, I'll give you another long count. If you're reading in this mode, we'd like you to switch to high bit rate. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. Go ahead with your short count.