Michael Collins (CMP)
Roger. Did you say you had some updates for us in the lunar surface book. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Negative. At this time, we do not have any updates for the lunar surface book. We wanted you to have it just in case. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger. At the present time, we do not have any updates for you on the lunar surface book. We are thinking about some and kicking them around, but they're very minor changes. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, Houston. We swapped antennas on you again. I say again that we do not have any lunar surface update—book updates at this time. We're considering a few minor ones, but we're still kicking them around the MOCR. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger, 11. We copy for the radiations. And, we're considering—this PTC looks sort of weird to us, so we're considering stopping and starting over again, and we'll be with you in a couple of minutes. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Hello, Apollo 11. Houston. We switched the antennas on you again. Would you please give us the LM/CM DELTA-P reading? Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger. We switched antennas on you, there, moments ago, Neil. Could you please give us the LM/CM DELTA-P reading? Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger. Thank you, Mike. Could you give us some help? This PTC is strange: it's not like anything we've seen before. We were wondering if you have had any events or any odd data that could help us out. Over.
Expand selection up Contract selection down Close -
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger. We're looking at a—sort of a funny looking PTC. We've already drifted out to 70 degrees in pitch and we're wondering if you all have had any vents or any such thing as that, that could have caused us to pick up these rates to drive us off. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Expand selection down Contract selection up -
Michael Collins (CMP)
Unless it's got something to do with that entry from the position that we want to be in. I don't know.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger. When we started off, it looked real fine to us. Now it's drifting off with a funny pattern that we haven't seen previously on a flight. And we're just trying to figure out—I think we'll probably start it over again. We'll be with you momentarily. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, Houston. We hate to say it, but we'd like to terminate this PTC and start over again. We have no assurance that we're going to get it through the sleep period with this funny configuration, or funny pattern. We'd like you to stop it now and go back to pitch 090, yaw 0, and roll—whatever you stop on. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
11, Houston. We recommend you disable Bravo and Charlie; select quads Alfa and Delta. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
Roger. Reading you about one-by. Looks like we picked a super attitude here for PTC stabilization. We're reading you in BACKUP VOICE now. Over.
Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
I think we've got about the best configuration. We've been doing it all from the ground here, 11. We'll just keep it as it is. Over.
Spoken on July 19, 1969, 1:22 a.m. UTC (55 years, 5 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet