Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. We have a recommended configuration for your CRYO switches to even up the load between oxygen tanks 1 and 2. Over.

Unidentified crew member

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Okay. You're coming in very weakly there. We're recommending O2 tank 1 heater OFF, O2 tank 2 heater to AUTO, O2 tanks 1 and 2 fans both OFF, H2 tank 1 heaters to AUTO, and H2 tank 1 heaters to AUTO, and H2 tank 2 heaters to OFF. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. We have that except the last one was H2 fans to OFF. Is that affirmative?

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

We have—The configuration we have now is—Hydrogen heaters: we got 1 AUTO, 2 OFF. Oxygen heaters: 1 OFF, 2 AUTO. And we have all the fans OFF.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

This is Houston. Roger. We concur. Out.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

11, this is Houston. We've completed the trunnion zero bias setting. You can retrieve the computer and go to BLOCK.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

11, this is Houston. With this maneuvering to observe the slingshot, I guess we missed copying your LM/CM DELTA-P reading. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Stand by. We'll give you a …

Michael Collins (CMP)

Right now, reading 0.2, Bruce.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Okay, Mike. And could you verify that your waste compartment valve is in VENT, there?

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. Waste compartment valve has been in VENT for—oh, I guess, 45 minutes or so.

Michael Collins (CMP)

If we're late in answering you, it's because we're munching sandwiches.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. I wish I could do the same here.

Michael Collins (CMP)

No. Don't leave the console!

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Down in the control center you might want to join us in wishing Dr. George Mueller a happy birthday.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. We are standing by for your birthday greetings.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

I think today is also the birthday of California, and I believe they are 200 years old, and we send them a happy birthday. And I think it's Dr. Mueller's birthday, also, and I don't think he is that old.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. We copy. I'm looking back in the viewing room right now. I don't see him back there.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

He may not be back from the Cape yet.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. I believe Dr. Mueller is on his way back from the Cape. We will relay his greetings for you.

Spoken on July 16, 1969, 6:52 p.m. UTC (55 years, 5 months ago). Link to this transcript range is:

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. At your convenience, we would like to get a waste-water dump to 5 percent remaining. After completion of this one, the next wastewater dump will be at about GET equal to 25 hours. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Apollo 11. Did you copy our torquing angles?

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. Leave them on there probably a second, please.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

11, this is Houston. We copy the angles, but stand by before you go ahead and use them. Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. We request that you read P52, and if the angles come out the same magnitude, go ahead and incorporate them. Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

They look a little large right now.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Yes. Roll—roll locks a little large, especially, there.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

We're showing a waste-water quantity of about 13 percent on TM now, 11. Over.