- Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. Evasive maneuver SPS G&N: 63481, plus 095, minus 020; GETI 004 40 0100, plus 00051, plus all balls, plus 00190; roll is your option, pitch 213 357; NOUN 44 is NA; DELTA-VT is 00197 003 00152. The rest of the PAD is NA. No ullage. LM weight 33,290. Read back. Over.
- Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
All of a sudden there, we heard a little click, and the signal strength began to start dropping off. Your transmissions were cut off very abruptly. How do you read now?
- Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger. Loud and clear. We had a handover to Madrid about the time I was—I guess halfway through the PAD. If you could give me the last value you read, I'll pick up there. Over.
- Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger. DELTA-VZ is plus 00190, roll your option, pitch 213 357, and NOUN 44 is NA. DELTA-VT 00197 003 00152. The rest of the PAD is NA, and no ullage. LM weight 33,290. Read back. Over.
- Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Roger, Houston. Evasive maneuver SPS G&N: 63481, plus 095, minus 020 004 40 0100, plus 00051, plus all zeros, plus 00190, roll crew option, 213 357, NA, 00197 003 00152, no ullage, LM weight 33,290. Over.
- Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger, 11. We recommend you turn the O2 fans on manually and ensure that the O2 heaters are in the AUTOMATIC position.
- Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger. O2 heaters to AUTO, or you can watch them in the ON position, and O2 fans manual ON.
- Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger. In reference to your question on RCS usage: it looks like you are about 18, maybe 20 pounds below nominal at the present time. No problem at all. Over.
- Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Sorry about that.
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close - Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
11, Houston. Your systems are looking good. We're standing by for the burn.
- Michael Collins (CMP)
Houston, Apollo 11. Could you confirm that pitch gimbal motor number 1 turned off? We just shut all four off, and we got a questionable indication on the ECS on pitch 1.
- Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Can you stand by just a second on that? At the present time we cannot confirm it OFF. We saw a current drop indicating that several gimbal motors had gone off. We'll be back with you in just a second on it. Over.
- Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. If you'll go ahead and cycle pitch gimbal motor number 1 on and then off and give us a Mark, and we'll tell you what we see. Over.
Spoken on July 16, 1969, 6 p.m. UTC (55 years, 6 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet