Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 11 is ready to copy.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, this is Houston. Evasive maneuver SPS G&N: 63481, plus 095, minus 020; GETI 004 40 0100, plus 00051, plus all balls, plus 00190; roll is your option, pitch 213 357; NOUN 44 is NA; DELTA-VT is 00197 003 00152. The rest of the PAD is NA. No ullage. LM weight 33,290. Read back. Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, this is Houston. Standing by for your readback. Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. Do you read? Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, this is Houston. Do you read? Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

All of a sudden there, we heard a little click, and the signal strength began to start dropping off. Your transmissions were cut off very abruptly. How do you read now?

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. Loud and clear. We had a handover to Madrid about the time I was—I guess halfway through the PAD. If you could give me the last value you read, I'll pick up there. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. Start with DELTA-VZ. Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. DELTA-VZ is plus 00190, roll your option, pitch 213 357, and NOUN 44 is NA. DELTA-VT 00197 003 00152. The rest of the PAD is NA, and no ullage. LM weight 33,290. Read back. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger, Houston. Evasive maneuver SPS G&N: 63481, plus 095, minus 020 004 40 0100, plus 00051, plus all zeros, plus 00190, roll crew option, 213 357, NA, 00197 003 00152, no ullage, LM weight 33,290. Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

11, this is Houston. Readback correct. Out.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

We'd like to arm our logic switches.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. Mark logic 1 and 2 armed.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. We show the logic arm, and you're GO for PYRO arm.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Houston, we're ready for LM ejection.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. You're GO for LM ejection.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Thank you.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on July 16, 1969, 5:45 p.m. UTC (55 years, 2 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Houston, we are SEP. We have a CRYO PRESS light.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. Copy. CRYO PRESS light.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger, 11. We recommend you turn the O2 fans on manually and ensure that the O2 heaters are in the AUTOMATIC position.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Roger. O2 heaters are ON, and we're going to cycle the O2 fans now.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. O2 heaters to AUTO, or you can watch them in the ON position, and O2 fans manual ON.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, this ls Houston. Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. In reference to your question on RCS usage: it looks like you are about 18, maybe 20 pounds below nominal at the present time. No problem at all. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

I wanted to be 18 or 20 pounds above nominal, babe.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

11, Houston. Your systems are looking good. We're standing by for the burn.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Apollo 11. Could you confirm that pitch gimbal motor number 1 turned off? We just shut all four off, and we got a questionable indication on the ECS on pitch 1.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, did you copy our residuals?

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, this is Houston. Stand by, please.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Go ahead, Houston. Did you copy our residuals?

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Roger. We got 00 and 0.2, it looks like.

Michael Collins (CMP)

We had 0.1 while ago. It's—just went to 0.2.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

That EMS DELTA-V counter is minus 4.0.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

And how about pitch gimbal 1? Can you confirm that OFF?

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Can you stand by just a second on that? At the present time we cannot confirm it OFF. We saw a current drop indicating that several gimbal motors had gone off. We'll be back with you in just a second on it. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay, If necessary, we can recycle it.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Apollo 11, this is Houston. If you'll go ahead and cycle pitch gimbal motor number 1 on and then off and give us a Mark, and we'll tell you what we see. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay, fine. It's coming back on. Ready.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

And it's going back off. Ready.