Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Roger, Houston. Apollo 11. We're reading a VI of 35579 and the EMS was plus 3.3. Over.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger, 11. We'll pass that on. And, it certainly looks like you are well on your way now.
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
We have no complaints with any of the three stages on that ride. It was beautiful.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. For your information, we expect the maneuver to separation attitude to begin at 3 plus 05 plus 03, and to be completed at plus 09 plus 20. Separation at 3 plus 15 plus 00.
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Roger. Time to begin maneuver is 3 05 03, complete 3 09 20. Separation 3 plus 15 00.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. All the booster functions are proceeding normally. The sequencing is in good shape, and it doesn't look like they are having any problems at all. Over.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. Our preliminary data indicates a good cut-off on the S-IVB. We'll have some more trajectory data for you in about half an hour. Over.
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Hello, Houston. Hello, Houston. This is Apollo 11. I'm reading you loud and clear. Go ahead. Over.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger, 11. This is Houston. We had to shift stations. We weren't reading you through Goldstone. We show PYRO bus A armed and PYRO bus B not armed at the present time. Over.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, this is Houston. You're GO for separation. Our systems recommendation is arm both PYRO buses. Over.
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Okay. PYRO B coming armed. My intent is to use bottle primary 1, as per the checklist; therefore, I just turned A on.
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Apollo 11, Apollo 11, this is Houston broadcasting in the blind. Request OMNI Bravo if you read us. Request OMNI Bravo. Out.
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close -
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)
Roger. We're copying you about five-by-two, very weak. Can you give us a status report, please?
Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Roger. We are docked. We do have acquisition with the high gain at this time, I think.
Spoken on July 16, 1969, 4:55 p.m. UTC (55 years, 7 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet