Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Roger. Got 3.8 and I got 54 on the O2 and no flags, and my flow is in N.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Neil and Buzz, for your information, your consumables remain in good shape. Out.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger, How's it coming, Neil?

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. I've got one side hooked up to the second box and I've got the film pack on.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Boy, that bilge from on the LEC is kind of falling all over me while I'm doing this.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

That's what it looks like down here.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

I think my watch stopped, Neil.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

No, it didn't either. Second hand.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. If you can just kind of hold it, why, I think I can do the pulling.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. Stand by a minute. Let me move back.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. Easy. All right, easy in the hatch now.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. I'll get it the rest of the way. And I'll give it to you to—No, wait, just a second. Yes, a little more.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

How about that—package out of your—brief. Get that?

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. I'll get it when I get up there.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Neil, this is Houston. Did you get the Hasselblad magazine?

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Yes, I did. And we got about, I'd say, 20 pounds of carefully selected, if not documented, samples.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Houston. Roger. Well done. Out.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Just keep your head down close. Now start arching your back. That's good. Plenty of room. Now, all right, arch your back a little, your head up against *** Roll right just a little bit. Head down. … in good shape.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Thank you. Am I bumping now?

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

No, you're clear. You're rubbing up against me a little bit.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

*** All right. That's right. A bit to the left. Okay. Now move your foot, and I'll get the hatch.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. The hatch is closed and latched, and verified secure.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. Now we turn the feedwater valve—CLOSED. And I got your PLSS antenna …

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Okay. Feedwater valve's CLOSED.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

And your antenna's …

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Okay. That's out. … I did my part … Okay.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

You're cutting out, Neil. You're not readable. I understand you said something about contingency sample container on the ascent engine?

Expand selection up Contract selection down Close
Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

We are not reading you, Neil. Buzz, Buzz, this is Houston. Do you read? Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Tranquility Base, this is Houston. We're reading neither one of you, but standing by.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on July 21, 1969, 5:12 a.m. UTC (55 years, 1 month ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Neil, this is Houston. Neil, this is Houston. Radio check. Over.

Bruce McCandless (CAPCOM)

Buzz, Buzz, this is Houston. Radio check, radio check. Over.