Neil Armstrong (CDR)

That would be hatch opening.


That's what we thought. Thank you much.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

That might be a little later than that, but in other words, start the PREP in about an hour or so.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia. Copy NOUN 49?


Stand by, Columbia.


Tranquility Base, Houston. That's fine. We are ready to support you any time, Neil. Over.


Break. Columbia, we see the NOUN 49. Stand by.


Columbia, Houston. We got the data. We would like a VERB 34. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

All right. Stand by one, Charlie, for the next one.


Roger, Columbia. Did—How did Tranquility look to you down there? Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Well, the area looks smooth, but I was unable to see him. I just picked out a distinguishable crater nearby and marked on it.

Michael Collins (CMP)

It looks like a nice area, though.


Hello, Columbia. Houston. I understand you could not see Tranquility. What were you marking on? Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia. I say again, I could not see him. AUTO optics pointed at a spot very close to the coordinates which you gave me, so I picked a tiny crater in that area and marked on it so I will be able to have repeatable data, but I was unable to see him.


Hello, Tranquility Base. Houston. On our DPS venting and that fuel problem, our heat exchanger is cleared up. We heard that the ice is melted, and we are in good shape now. Out.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Houston. Tranquility is going to put the track modes in P00 now.


Columbia, Houston. Over.


Columbia, Houston. We noticed you are maneuvering very close to gimbal lock. I suggest you move back away. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Yes. I am going around it, doing this CMC AUTO maneuvers to the PAD values of roll 270, pitch 101, yaw 45.


Roger, Columbia.

Michael Collins (CMP)

How about sending me a fourth gimbal for Christmas.


Columbia, Houston. You were unreadable. Say again please.


Columbia, Houston. Several items for you. Over.


Columbia, Houston. First of all, we'd like a waste water dump to 10 percent on the backside. Secondly, it does not look like we are going to need any plane change at this time, so we will not be uplinking a new REFSMMAT. Third item, I would like all of your CRYO heaters to AUTO, and we are ready for a battery charge, battery BRAVO; it will last about 7 hours. If you should go to sleep, we will be terminating that BATT charge, but at the moment, we can go ahead and start the BATT charge on BATT Bravo. And a final item, for your SM RCS configuration for your rest period, register 1 for the DAP is 11111; DAP register 2, 01100. And your AUTO RCS select switches, quad Alfa, pitch jets on only, quad Bravo all on, quad Charlie and quad Delta all off. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. Dump waste water to 10 percent on the backside. Use prior REFSMMAT, CRYO heaters on to AUTO, battery B charge until I go to sleep. DAP is 11111, 01100. Select quads A pitch only on, C and D all up. Over.


Columbia, Houston. Roger.


Columbia, Houston. We will have a state vector update for you a little later. We are not prepared with it right now; and on another subject, from Tranquility Base, they are prepared to begin their EVA early. They expect to begin DEPRESS operations in about 3 hours at 108, approximately 108 GET. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Sounds good to me. Tell them to eat some lunch before they go.


Columbia, Houston. We'd like your PRD readouts when possible, and we've checked over your EM dump. It all looks okay.


Tranquility Base, Houston. Over.


Tranquility, Houston. We'd like your PRD readout, and we have double checked your EM dump. It all looks okay. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Roger. Understand our E memory dump was good. CDR's dosimeter is 11014.


Roger, Tranquility. Break. Columbia, we would like for you to REACQ with your high gain; attempt a manual lock on. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Houston, Tranquility here. The LMP's readout may possibly be 09017. Over.


Tranquility, Houston. Roger. 09017 is an update on your readout.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Columbia's in high gain.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

I'll let you know for sure when it goes to either 12 or 18.


Tranquility, Houston. Roger. The medics report your latter reading, 17, appears to be the correct one. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Columbia's in the high gain.


Roger, Columbia. You're sounding much better now.


Columbia, Houston. Request P00 in ACCEPT, and we'll uplink another state vector. Over.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on July 20, 1969, 10:40 p.m. UTC (54 years, 10 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Michael Collins (CMP)

Roger. Going P00 in ACCEPT.


Columbia, Houston. Suggest you put BATT A on your BATT relay bus. Over.


Columbia, Houston. We're through with your computer. You can go to BLOCK.


Tranquility Base, Houston. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Go ahead, Houston. Tranquility Base.


Tranquility Base, Houston. We've reviewed the checklist, and about the only change in order to advance the EVA that we've found is that you'll want to delay your lithium hydroxide change until after the EVA rather than before. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. We'd just as soon make a change and jettison the old one. Over.


Tranquility Base, Houston. We would like to delay that LOIO—LiOH change until after the EVA. There is a possibility you could jettison the canister when you jettison your PLSS. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

All right. We'll plan it that way. Over.


Roger, Tranquility.


Columbia, Houston. Over.


Columbia, Houston. We show your EVAP OUT temperature running low. Request you go to manual temperature control and bring it up. You can check the procedures in ECS MAL 17. Over.


Columbia, Houston. I have a P22 update for you.


Columbia, Houston. Your P22 AUTO—AUTO optics landmark ID on LM. T1, 106 plus 30 plus 31; T2, 106 plus 35 plus 41, 2 nautical miles south. Your TCA, 106 plus 37 plus 16. Shaft angle 357.9 and trunnion angle 44.3. Over.


Columbia, Houston. We have your LOS in 3 minutes. AOS will be 106 plus 11. Over.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Houston, Tranquility. Over.


Tranquility, Houston. Go ahead.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

Roger. This is the LM pilot. I'd like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his or her own way. Over.


Roger, Tranquility Base.

Buzz Aldrin (LMP)

That's about ready to fall off.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

As a matter of fact, it just doesn't look like it sunk in at all.


Tranquility Base, Houston. We'd like some estimate of how far along you are with your eating and when you may be ready to start you EVA PREP. Over.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

I think that we'll be ready to start EVA PREP in about a half an hour or so.


Roger, Tranquility.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Houston, Columbia. How do you read?


Columbia, Columbia. This is Houston.

Neil Armstrong (CDR)

Houston, this is Tranquility Base. We are beginning our EVA PREP.


Tranquility Base, this is Houston, Roger. Copy. You're beginning EVA PREP. Break. Break. Columbia, Columbia, this is Houston. Reading you loud and clear. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

You're loud and clear. The waste water dump is down to 10 percent. I have a question on the P22. Do you want me to do another P22, or is all that information just for my own use in tracking the LM for photographic purposes?


Columbia, this is Houston. We request that you perform another P22. We'd like you to let the AUTO optics take care of the tracking and devote your energies to trying to pick out the LM on the lunar surface. If you can find the LM, of course. We're looking for marks on it; but tracking of geographical features doesn't do us all that much good. Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

Okay. Fine. I'll do it. And on the ECS system, the—Whatever the problem was, it seems to have gone away without any changing of J52 sensors or anything like that. My glycol evaporator outlet TEMP is up above 50 now, and it's quite comfortable in the cockpit; so we'll talk more about that one later.


Roger, Columbia. Did you shift into manual control, or did the problem resolve itself under AUTO control? Over.

Michael Collins (CMP)

The problem went away under AUTO.


Roger. That's the best type. Out.

Michael Collins (CMP)

I did cycle out of AUTO into—I did cycle out of AUTO into MANUAL, back into AUTO.


Houston. Roger. Out.


Tranquility Base, Tranquility Base, this is Houston. Over.


Tranquility, this is Houston. We need a second set of PRD readings so that we may establish a rate. Over.